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It has been 10 years..


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Hi everyone, 

Well it has been awhile, 10 years to be exact lol

I havent gotton out of the hobby entirely, ive kept up with keeping my planted fresh tank going [keeping a gutted fluval M90 going for the past 8 years] then setting up a 120 gallon south american cichlid tank for fish that i admit to my better jugdement I should have known they couldnt live there forever. My first nano was a 10 gallon shown here on this site, moved to a 20 long with great success from the help of many good people here. I had to shut down the small reef tank due to lack of time laziness and ability to make my own RODI. Well!

Ive moved, gotten married and I have the basement to my self with a fish room for the planted tanks. Well the itch came back, the opportunity came from a customer of mine that was tearing down a large reef. All the live rock a guy could ask for and a pair of percula clowns. Of course I dove in head first.. It was bumpy.. velvet, 3 hospital tanks, algae, nutrient imbalances, mechanical failure, well Reefing I suppose lol I submersed my self with alot of reading and listening to alot of good people.

It was like starting all over I admit but for the best. Its been over a year now that my set up is running. I hope , though it may be a 75 gallon with a 25 gallon macro tank and a 28 gallon low boy frag tank that its okay to hang around.  Mark






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