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Tomini Tang 2" - $60 - Local Pickup Jersey City NJ

Gourami Swami

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Gourami Swami

Looking to move this guy on, going to break down or downsize reef soon due to career

About 2" maybe a little more. Healthy and active. One of the smallest tang species, but still needs 4ft tank or bigger.

60$ Pick up in Jersey City




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id buy that guy if i had a bigger tank, looks nice. im not sure how a person with a gourami name with a veija profile picture is on a nano reefing forum with a non nano tank happened but i support it 

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Gourami Swami
19 hours ago, filefishfinatic said:

id buy that guy if i had a bigger tank, looks nice. im not sure how a person with a gourami name with a veija profile picture is on a nano reefing forum with a non nano tank happened but i support it 

Haha, I am a long time freshwater keeper, been seriously reefing only a few years. Gourami swami is my name on other fish keeping forums and I just kept it going. And that is actually my Panamius Panamensis in my profile, tho he does resemble a vieja. Funnily enough my avatar on other sites is actually a Vieja guttalatum I used to have.


Bump, nice fish needs a home. If you have the tank and can pick up, talk to me about the price.

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how long could a tomini live in a 20 long (what size would i need to replace it) id really like one but i dont have a large tank yet. but i will eventually within about a year. nevermind they only live for 5 yrs

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