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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

70g Cadlights artisan II full setup Memphis TN

joel sandoman

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joel sandoman


Parting out Sale Approximately 80 pounds of live rock with some zoas and a couple of rock flower nems on them. small amount of hair algae as well. $300
Approximately 30 pounds of CaribSea Arag-Alive Fiji Pink Sand. $20 or free with rock purchase.
9 heads Armor of God zoas $80

Chaeto $20 for all $5 form large handful
1 lemon peel angel $60
 1 six line wrasse $25
1 Midas blenny $60
 1 cleaner shrimp- $30
 (2) Noopsyche K7 Pro II  LED lights plus controller,  $200 for both.
Icecap Gyre 3k $120
 Jebao DCP-3500 return pump $40
Aqua Duetto ATO $90
Inkbird ITC-308S controller $25
refractometer $20
(2) 35 gallon  heavy duty trash cans on wheel mounts (heavy duty) for water changes. $40 each
Cadlights 70 Artisan II $1000 OBO
Once rock and corals are done will sell fish. Once all livestock is gone will sell equipment

Location Memphis TN. Will only ship the smaller items. Prefer pickup.

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  • 2 months later...
joel sandoman

Hey everyone, I am breaking this tank down tonight. Let me know if anyone wants anything.

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