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Stocking in a 20 long/55 FOWLR

Chriss Fishes

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Chriss Fishes

Hey guys,


Several months ago I posted asking a very similar question about my 37 gallon tank, but would like to see if I can get any more ideas. I'm looking for stocking options for a very peaceful 20 long and a semi-aggressive 55.


Here's the deal with the 20:


This tank has a male molly, several guppy fry, and a firefish. I plan to keep the guppies in here and move the molly to a different tank - the guppies were born in one of my saltwater tanks, and have been doing great. No color yet, though, and their development seems to have been slower in SW than in FW. Anyway, I'm looking for a fish that'll be peaceful enough to leave adult guppies alone. The occasional squabble is fine, but I don't want any real aggression. The firefish has been pretty chill with them so far, so I assume fish similar in temperament to a firefish is going to what I need. The tank is barebottom, so no sand-dwelling species, please.


I had considered some sort of cardinalfish in here, but wasn't sure which would be best, or if any would work. I see them recommended to be kept in small shoals, but also see them kept singly pretty often - which is correct? I think either the Pajama or Flame Cardinals are my favorite at the moment.


I'm not against a perching fish, but I want something with a lot of color that'll contrast with the guppies - plus, I'm afraid that mixing too many gobies/blennies might cause some issues.


And, the 55:


This tank was just rebooted after it crashed while I was in the hospital. The only reason I set it back up is because I fell in love with a couple of Clarkii Clowns that are about 3/4" long and 1 1/'2". They're so cute! But didn't fit in either of my other salty tanks. So, I set this one back up for another go. I'd like to find a variety of fish that are not only colorful, but can hold their own against what I assume will eventually become some nasty clownfish. I'd like to avoid an all-out battle royale, but my mind is pretty open.


One fish I'd absolutely love to try is an Anthias - I've always wanted one, but never really kept tanks big enough. I was thinking of doing a single male Lyretail Anthias - but I've seen mixed opinions on whether or not they do well in a 48" tank. Opinions?


I think I'll get a dwarf angel of some sort as well - I'm currently thinking either a Lemonpeel or a Flame Angel would be my top choices. I don't see any issues here, but does anyone else?


I might eventually get a Canthigaster puffer, but I'm also considering doing some non-reef safe inverts in here, so I'm not sure which I'd go with.


Any suggestions are welcome!

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Chriss Fishes

Added a Green-Spotted Puffer into the 55. Turnd out to be a happenstance where I got one for free - couldn't pass it up!

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