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Fire Shrimps and Firefish????


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I have a 20 gallon aquarium, and just ordered 2 red fire shrimp ( bonded pair). Can I also get a firefish for my tank? Will the three bother each other? There is 20 pounds of live rock in the tank so there are small crevices and cave. 

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Make sure that the fire shrimp are a true bonded pair and not just 2 that were sold together. Fire shrimp are very agressive towards all other shrimps including the same species. They also get about 3inches in size. I had one in a 25G that killed 5 pep shrimps that I added for pest control. She would hunt them at night during the day she wouldn't leave her overhang. The only shrimp that survived her was a homicidal randalls pistol. In the end they had a very uneasy relationship. 


The firefish should be fine with the fire shrimp as they are a cleaner shimp. But like anything your mileage may vary. I never had a problem with fire shrimps and fish but I also know a person who returned a fire shimp to a store because it killed 2 fish. 


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I would be very surprised if a fire shrimp actually killed any fish, and would suspect that (unless they were very small fish) it just ate them after they died. Freshwater ghost shrimp will occasionally kill fish, but they have to be really small fish.


A firefish shouldn't be at any risk with a fire shrimp. They also have that nice name matchup. 


But yeah, fire shrimp will attack other shrimp.

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1 hour ago, Tired said:

But yeah, fire shrimp will attack other shrimp.

I find this a bit strange. I think shrimp attacking other shrimp depends on the individual shrimp in concern, and the amount of territory available (overhangs, shadowy corners etc.). The reason I say this is because I currently have four different types of shrimp co-existing in the same tank - a saron, a fire, a GCBS and a Cleaner. Granted, it's a large tank (not a nano), and my Cleaner is the largest among all four though. It can be a bit aggressive towards some of my fish in my tank - I've actually observed my largest fish (a ~6.5" starry blenny) beeline towards either my Fire or GCBS to make use of their 'cleaning' services, rather than heading for my Cleaner shrimp. 


My Fire shrimp however, is currently quite peaceful and very reclusive. I only see him once in a while - he prefers occupying the back corners of my reef. 

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In my current 50g the tank is 3feet long. I have a fire, skunk and pistol. The pistol has the one side of the tank, the skunk has the topside of the rocks and the fire has the cave network. So long as no one crosses each other they get along. But if my skunk gets to close to the fire shrimps caves, the fire will chase the skunk who is almost twice its size. Everyone leaves my homicidal pistol shrimp alone. 

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