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Innovative Marine Aquariums

32 Biocube Stocklist


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Hello all,


I have a 32 Biocube that has been running for 3 months with around 20lbs dry/live rock. Zoas, chalices, xenia, and GSP. I used two damsels to cycle the tank and no longer have them in the tank. I am looking for a finalized stocking list for the tank, not all to be added at one time but rather over the next few months. I currently have two Ocellaris clowns, single turbo snail, and 10 blue-legged crabs.


I am looking to add (2 clownfish already):

-Yellow watchman goby (possible pistol shrimp pair)

-Cherub Angel or Flameback Angel

-Flasher/fairy or Melanurus wrasse

-Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

-Could I add 1 or 2 Bangaii Cardinals?


Total of 5-7 fish

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In a 32g, the angel may become an issue. They become more territorial as they grow and they grow quickly.


7 fish would be a lot in a 32g. 


The larger and more territorial the fish gets, the less fish you can add.


There are certain wrasses that do better in smaller tanks than others. 

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