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what fish would be good in a 30-40 tropical gallon tank

new fish person help me

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new fish person help me

Im setting up my first medium sized tank and don't know what fish i can put, I plan on getting a 30 or 40 gal, any  suggestions of fish that could work well together that have similar  water parameters and non-aggressive or semi.

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Hello! I'm sorry to tell you that you probably will not get much of a response here. This forum is dedicated to saltwater tanks. While some members do have planted tanks, you're better off finding a forum dedicated to freshwater fish keeping.

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28 minutes ago, Ratvan said:

Rummynose Tetra, Cardinal Tetra, Kuhli Loaches and Clown Loaches

Clown loaches would outgrow a 30G/40G though. I've seen some pretty large ones at my LFS (12"+). They're cute when they're small, but once they reach a certain size... 😞 

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On 2/25/2020 at 9:32 PM, new fish person help me said:

Im setting up my first medium sized tank and don't know what fish i can put, I plan on getting a 30 or 40 gal, any  suggestions of fish that could work well together that have similar  water parameters and non-aggressive or semi.

There are lots of options on the freshwater side of the hobby in that size. 


Any of the popular schooling fish, basically.  Tetras, Barbs, Danios, Gourami's, Livebearers, Corydoras, etc. 


Lots of cichlids would work, including Tanganyikan. 


But there are lots of oddballs you could look at too, catfish among them...depends heavily what you're into.


Do you have some good fish books to help give you some ideas?


What does your store carry that appeals to you?


In my old 30 Gallon planted tank, my favorite combination was a Brown Knife and school of Zebra Danios.  They had various other company over the years too, from Farlowellas, to Banjo Cats, Otto's, a Silver Shark for a number of years (they Get BIG), a Rope Fish and probably some I have forgotten.  Can't recommend the Silver Shark given how big they get, but the rest were great.

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