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Coral Vue Hydros

IM NUVO Concept Pro 20 Encore -Closed do to leak


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On 2/21/2020 at 9:41 PM, Hypsophrys said:

It occurs to me that you would probably have to try pretty hard to have a major temperature variance, even if you only heated one side.  Glass is an insulator but I remember that people used to use under-tank heaters and that worked reasonably well.  The two chambers share an entire wall of relatively thin glass so some heat is bound to transfer.


Maybe you could test my theory..  Although, you already poked a fairly large hole in it. 😉

I am using one 75w heater and currently I cannot keep the whole tank to 78. Because of the size of the tank I cannot use 100w, so I need to use two 75w. Maybe because of the cold weather we have here.

On 2/22/2020 at 9:19 PM, Amphrites said:

That looks like you may have been applying pressure while drilling >_> Too late to suggest a simple siphon to bridge things - also a word of warning, IME that gyre is wayyy too much flow even for sps in smaller systems.
Really unique setup, should be fun to see what you come up with.

Can you explain you comment on pressure on the glass please?

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Water has been added and the pumps are on. The current DC pumps are not enough power and will need to change them out. Not sure what I will use as space is very limited. I am waiting for my test kits to arrive and then I will start the cycle using Red Sea Reef Mature Pro Kit. 


The Gyre is set on low flow going forward and medium flow in reverse. It looks to be working without moving the sand all around. The other side will need more flow from the AIO pump and maybe need to add IM Spin stream.

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14 hours ago, Amphrites said:

I mistakenly thought you may have shattered the glass by pressing, I didn't realize your intent was to drill out the whole section as best you could.

Right, I thought the same.  Which was funny because it seemed like it worked out for the better. 🙂

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Today I received my new 75w heater and I have installed it and it seems to now keep both sides of the AIO at the correct temperature. It does change by some .4 degrees so I do not think that is too bad. I also had some time to install the Micro ATO and now that is keeping the salinity stable as well. If this keeps going well I plan on starting my cycle.


I have not had much time to review other journals so I need to get caught up on them this weekend as well.

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Today is day three of the cycle. I have completed installing and configuring the Apex classic. A little more harder then I thought as some of the plugs on equipment is not controller friendly or maybe even friendly at all. Why is it that everyone one to make large size plugs when you would think that they would spend a little extra time engineering these things to be more friendly to fit in tight places/ Just a thought.


On a side note the lights are working great but not so much for the light hanger. I will need to think more about it this week, but I think that I will make a custom canopy or something simiar to put the light into and make it more friendly to mount all equipment in the back.

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Day 5 of tank cycle is complete. Thank is looking good and finally the skimmer has settled down so I may need to make an adjustment to water height. Based on instructions of the Red Sea Reef Mature kit looks like I should be able to add CUC this weekend and at least one fish a few days later. Directions say after 21 days of cycle you can add any corals including difficult SPS, not sure about that, but this is my first time using this method.

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Completed Day 6 of the cycle.


Left Side                                  Right Side

  78.2                Temp                  78.3

  1.025              Salinity               1.025

  8.2                  PH.                      8.2

  0                     Ammonia            0

  1                      Nitrite                  1

  5                     Nitrate                 5


I was thinking that all the issues that I would have by putting a big hole in the ATO it would give me some issues with temp and water parameters, but this test does not show that 😀

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On 3/5/2020 at 6:12 AM, debbeach13 said:

Looks pretty consistent side by side. Are you still thinking clean up crew this weekend?

As of today I can add them, but having a hard time finding them in my area. I may have to order them on line.

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Today I finished both braces for lights. They are too long for now, but once I complete the new canopy I will get these to size and mount them in the back of the cabinet. 


Yesterday I received my ph solutions for calibrating and completed that today. You can see by the chart when I calibrated it as it went from 7.45 to 8.17.




Finally I have order Neptune Apex PM2 module for the salinity and as soon as I get that in I can calibrate it as I already have the solution.


I have also looking at getting new pumps as these things only pump out 93 gph and there is really not much flow in the tank on one side. I put a basic air pump and stone in one side and it really did not move any water around, so we do have to do a pump upgrade.


Next week I need to hook up my new Optical level sensors. One I will be putting into AUQA GADGET 5 GALLON HYDROFILL RESERVOIR and the other in the back of the tank. Then I will program the Apex to shut off the ATO if either of them hit its threshold. Now I will not have to worry about overfilling my tank or going dry on the ATO reservoir and ruining equipment, floor and not to mention creating a tank crash. I will also program the ATO shutoff if my salinity drops below it threshold.

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Today I received my Neptune PM2 module and I have installed and configured it. Params are staying consistent so I have ordered my first fish pair (Will arrive Saturday). Still looking for CUC, but every LFS I went too has tanks that I would not buy anything out of so I will order my CUC from Algae Barn when they have them back in stock. They have a product called Tank Booster which gives you some snails, Algae and some Nano Brine.


I do my eye on a few corals so when I order them I also will purchase a few snails and one crab from them for each side.

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Yesterday I added and turned on my skimmer, did a 12% water change and added Carbon on both sides. Cleaned the inside glass and gravel. Then I added one bottle of Purple Helix & Pink Fusion. Check params and all are stable and correct.


Today I stopped by a local pet supply store and bought some frozen and flake food for the new kids, which are to arrive by noon tomorrow.


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I have completed the new acclimation process and they are doing really well. At first they started to stay at the bottom and now they are moving around and looking like they are even being playful. About an hour ago I did tried to feed them and they did some food, but not too much. Not concerned at this point as they had a very stressful 24 hours. Sorry the picture is not really bright, but this is part of my acclimation process. I will upload some more pictures once I turn down the blue lights.


Here is a link if you want a better view of them ORA Naked Ocellaris Clownfish - Captive Bred 




My process is very simple. I do the following for each fish.


1). Open the bag and float them in the tank for 1 hour.

2). Over the next 45 minutes add some tank water until I fill the bag half full (Usually 1 cup every 15 minutes)

3). Prepare two dipping stations.

4). Add Safety Stop A to one dipping station and B to the other dipping station.

5). Dip each fish for 30 minutes in each station. A first then B.

6). Put them in the tank.


Before I put them in the tank I will run the lights on low and mostly with blue. This is to help the fish acclimate without bright lights. Also the blue lights help with growing Purple Helix & Pink Fusion Coralline Algae.


Here is the settings of my current light setup.




Now we wait for a week and then I will start to add some corals.

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So these little guys are very active today, so I have increased lights to 20% intensity and I will leave it there for now. In the mean time I was able to get a small video of there activity. Hopefully I embedded correctly.



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Just a quick update. Current fish are doing well and I see no diatoms on the rocks or red slime in the sand. So today we are no longer traveling and we get to work from home next week so I am taking the opportunity to order another fish and some corals. All should arrive this Saturday.


Working from home should be great as now I can get caught up on other 35 day challenge tanks. Only been able to go through a few of them and I think last count was 70+. A lot of tough competitors and see what hey are up to, hopefully I can learn something new or borrow an idea 😉

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My second order came in today and I have just finished putting them in the tank. Their current placement is not where they may stay, just getting them in there and checking out how they react. 


They have been in the tank for one hour and they are opening up and coloring really well.


Double Cotton Candy Torch




Rainbow Micro Lord





Black Widow Blasto






Green Hammer w/pink tips




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Today I will be receiving another coral and 2 more fish. This will do it for the fish, but just getting started on the corals. Will post new pics after the are in and a little active.

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Well the Hammer Coral Green w/pink Tips (LiveAquaria.com) did not make it. Each day it started to retract and finally it is gone, so I will see about a store credit as it does have a 14 day guarantee. On another bad note my delivery from the same place was delivered and none of the fish are looking good, my neighbor said that the UPS guy was rough with the box and even dropped it once coming up the driveway. I was home and did not see it, but I think none of them are going to make it.


My other coral arrived today and it is in the tank and doing really well. Later I will take a picture of it and upload it.

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Two of the three new fish that I received have died (Died within hours). The third one is doing a little better so only time will tell. UPS dropping the box was really bad for them.


The new coral that I have received is looking good.


Purple Tip Frogspawn from (Vivid Aquariums)


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