The Ryukyu Shallows, an 18-month foray into reefkeeping.
- 20 gallon long
- frostbite
- ocellaris
- pistol shrimp
- watchman goby
- japanese
- reef
- simple
- fungia
- lobophytum
- caulastrea
- sarcophyton
- favia
- speciosa
- acanthastrea
- echinata
- sinularia
- aquacultured
- maricultured
- ora
- biotope
- misbar
- war coral
- favites
- zoanthid
- mini maxi carpet anemone
- montipora digitata
- forest fire
- cyphastrea
- bali green slimer
- acropora
- yongei
- birdsnest
- seriatopora
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