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My nuvo fusion penninsula 20


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So I’m pretty new to the hobby, but here’s where it’s at.


tank was bought used with stand and all equipment needed, including a t5ho fixture.


Full blast cleaned the tank out, rehomed some stuff, and got some cycled rock, new live sand, and ordered new lights.


heres the list of what it now has.


lighting-current marine orbit ic pro dual strip Bluetooth fixture.

i was concerned these wouldn’t cut it, but I’m getting great polyp extension even from the acro (it’s 5-8 inches from light) and everything else is responding well, even had to turn them down.

its set at blue100, white 60, red 20, green 14, with a ramp up and down, no moonlight, and total of 9 hours 

this also connects to my nano Wavemaker, and the lights and Wavemaker plus return pumps (for button press saltwater fill up) are customizable from an app, and it’s great.

for filtration I’m just running filter floss and sometimes carbon for a few days.

using distilled water, moving from tap from the cycle (I know I know)I used tap, then spring, and now distilled for a couple water changes (1 5g change weekly) and then rodi. The concern was a large shift in water tds and other factors could crash my system which wasn’t already stocked. 


For live rock it was cycled and I have Atleast 20lbs, but it’s closer to 23-25lbs.


so I stocked the tank after the lights came, got a single frag of Ora orange zoa, and a clean up crew 5x nassarius snails, 3 astrea, a turbo, and there’s a small limpet in here somewhere I think. 1 single blue leg Cortez

a single very small maroon clown (I’m taking him back when we get in a frostbite clown for me to buy, but for now he’s small and not mean.

and there is a single red coral banded shrimp.

for now that’s all. Maybe a pistol goby combo, maybe a strawberry pseudo after I research that, but for the most part I don’t want an overstocked tank fish wise.

so then I grabbed my first frag.

ora orange zoa. That was cool.

and now about a month later I have 

the Ora orange zoa, 2 small chunks of gsp, 2 small finger leathers, a grubens gorgonian, 7-8 small blue mushrooms, a 3gead colony of green candy cane,a 13head colony of green tip hammer, a purple hammer single head, a wierd green/clear hammer (maybe it’s just small still idk) a mystery chalice,

a mini maxi carpet, and a nice chunk of green slimer acro.

for all of the coral livestock, I’ve spent about 60 bucks for all. Mostly from local reefers.

everything drop acclimated,

and then double dipped coralrx and coral revive second. No losses to anything, not bad for my first time lol.

tank is still just a few months old.

parameters are all testing right where

they should

im using a combination of Hanna checkers, salifert kits, and currently using calcium and po4 from api.


im using Kent nano reef 2 part at half the recommended amounts until I’m full rodi for a month to keep from over saturating the water.


seachem nutridiet flakes for the clown, and omega one small single pellets for the snails/shrimp.

currently not feeding corals until they have been in this tank for about a month.


carpet was in a rock hiding (not used to leds) and he’s just starting to poke out. When he’s fully out I’ll try feeding but leaving that one alone.



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Most recent acro pic is a few days old, has since stopped sliming and is doing a little better.

mini maxi has moved from inside a rock and is slowly coming out no recent pics yet, giving him personal space 

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54 minutes ago, Wonderboy said:

Awesome work! I wouldn't have been able to guess that you're new to the hobby at all - very much looking forward to your updates!

I’ve kept hitec planted tanks for close to 20 years but never kept salt. I maintain a saltwater tank at my job but it’s a lfs bigbox store, so only so much I can actually do, and realistically my job Is to make sure the other guys do that not me lol. A bit factor was for me to learn more about this hobby to better inform and maintain our stores tanks. 

Now im freaking hooked, and I’m doing another tank soon. I’ll keep it all updated here, can’t wait to see this tank grow out 

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Thanks you guys! 

Still mot set on the next tanks dimensions, but mr Aqua 12 bookshelf seems like a good place to start looking and I do have a bookshelf with a few empty shelves on it lol

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Been a few days, super sick with pneumonia so no pics, but my mini carpet finally came out of his rock, and I realized he was almost touching a fast growing blue mushroom, so in moving the mushroom, I touched him, and the water movement knocked my tiny Cortez blue leg hermit onto him, he managed to escape but now the carpet is back in the rock 😞 

I’ll get a full shot one day.


im having a small gha outbreak that I’m fairly certain is because I was feeding 2 times a day (just flakes and only small amount) for the clown (just one) and the coral banded. 

3 times a week feeding now I guess 😕 rookie mistake lol

might get a few more crabs and just let it slowly get eaten. 

Tank is hard to maneuver 

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Yo my zoas don’t even look the same they have way more little silver spots, this hobby is crazy. 

Seems like the larger hammer colony is opening up much better, my single purple hammer head is not as happy, not sure why, maybe too close to the larger colony of green hammer?

acro seems to be opening more so I’m doing something right. 

A touch of green hair algae from the overfeeding, still working on that, but small steps lol. 

I think the grubens gorgonian is my favorite in the tank. Flows with the water really smooth, even if it’s not crazy colored. 

I think I’ll get a magnet ledge when I order my rodi setup for the acro, I kind of want that whole top rock to be a zoa garden, plus I still gotta jam a Duncan in here somewhere, and maybe another carpet lol






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Thanks! Right now im just trying to get this gha to go away. It’s not bad but it’s there lol. 

Once I add some more cuc I’ll get a Duncan, tons of zoas, and maybe a rock flower for the sandbed 

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So got a sexy shrimp, and what was supposed to be a rock flower anemone,  burn it wasn’t. I decided I’d still buy the mystery anemone but idk what kind it is. 

Since everything was doing so well I thought the anemone should do well.


my zoas have 3 new polyps I just noticed.

all hammer

heads have Atleast 1 small head starting to form, I swear the acro looks like it’s grown a small spot. Everything is coming along.





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Alright guys here’s an update on whats been going down.


We are down a maroon, a friend liked the misbar I had and they helped me get this far so it’s gone to a new home. I’ll be giving

Him this one when I find a decent frostbite I like.


I’ve added a sexy shrimp, they only had one I will get a few more though. He’s pretty cool when he’s not in the rock or hidden away in the hammer or elsewhere...

My friend gifted me a very small diamond watchman goby.

He’s shacked up under a rock and is messing up my sand as we speak. I’m glad I decided to go rocks then sand so they don’t topple when he re decorates lol (they are glued in formation tho)


There’s also a new nem, seems like a lta or something, I was told it was a rock flower, but I knew pretty quickly it wasn’t, but he sold it to me for very very cheap so I figured I’d try it out.

It’s on the sand and moved all over to get off rock and onto sand, I hope it stays there

For easy removal if I wana get him a bigger Tank, getting a 50low boy for Christmas I think..


I also got a gravity no power ato. It was pretty cheap on amazon, I can post link so if anyone is interested. Basically one tube goes into the water a bit and the second tube goes right at the desired water level, and it works great.

It only apparently takes 1L Evian water

Bottles, my 20L takes half or so in a day, might mod a bigger container in a hidden shelf over the tank or just refill every other day, no big deal and it was cheap. On a bigger tank a better ato for sure but it’s a small tank, why waste the cash. 


I’m seeing new heads on my zoa (4) and every one of my hammer corals have new heads on them as well, stupid exciting.

My Grubens gorgonian is loving life, and that green slimer acro is actually showing a little growth and great polyp extension, I’m surprised these lights cut it, but no complaints from me!

Ditched my mag float for a flipper nano as well, and I got a small filter floss holder for the filter section, the filter bags are stupid and want to put a removable mini fugue under this basket with a little modification obviously. 

Everything is perfectly stable, more so with the ato now, and maintaining my calcium at right  350-400, dosing 2part nano every other day, no other dosing. 

Here’s some pics, comments and advice on how I can improve isn’t always cool.














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  • 2 weeks later...


FlundALittle gha showing up but otherwise everything holding strong.

a tiny tiny diamond watchman goby that will be joining the maroon in the Christmas tank I’m getting myself, but for now he’s here,

seems to be doing well and eats great lol.

the water bottle ago adapter I ordered has been a godsend.

getting home to an empty sump section was stressful and my corals look better with the more stable salinity.

10/10 would reccomend 

found 2 hitchhiker fan worms of some sort, have the same pattern Hawaii feather dusters have but not sure if that’s what they are. 


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