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Losing my bird's nest


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I'm suspect my bird's nest is probably a goner at this point but thought I would get some opinions. It started losing tissue just at the tips and now the tissue loss is all over. If you look closely the base is black as well, but it's pretty hard to see in this picture. 

 Ive looked into this already and can find no definitive answer. All other corals in my tank are doing great it just this one. 

 Is this STN?

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Do you have a pic?


High alk and low nutrients is usually what causes the tips going white (alk burn) 


What are your parameters and lighting?

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Here are some photos.

My lighting is a black box led.

-Alk fluctuated from 8.4 to 9.4 over a two week period, 5 days later to now it is at 8.9.

-Calcium has been sitting between 410-430

-phosphate is the biggest culprit that jumped to 1 a month ago and I've been fighting to get it down. I have managed to get it between .25-.50. I feel like this may be the biggest issue along with the all swing.







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I find birds to be intolerant of alk swings. They are labeled as easy SPS because they can live in lower light and higher nutrients but they have always been the first to show stress for me when the tank isn't stable. Moreso than acros.

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This is my first time dealing with this. Will a coral come back from this if I get the alk swing in check? Should I frag off what I can to try and save a piece of the poor guy?

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I usually frag off dead tips just because algae will grow on it. I don't find them to RTN up from the base or tips, more that they get patchy spots from alk fluctuations so its hard to get rid of everything. It can recover with stability. 

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  • 1 year later...

Hey i had same problem with my bird’s nest last year i was to lose it all and i tried to put some sugar with water but it didn’t help, my friend told me to mix some coffee with dirt as Organic feed but it wasn’t a good idea and i finally noticed something when my bird used to spread his fat balls for birds over the tank while he eats it that the parrot’s feather starts to get better and back slowly so i decided to mix the bird food supplier with water and try it, after few days it got green and healthy again !! i know it’s strange but it works !

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