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My only hitchhiker:( help!


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Yessir looks similar with less holes and different color. It also sucks it. Seems like it’s sucking in water. If I tap the glass it also sucks in. Seems to be a tunicate.


any tips on my live rock? Seems that there’s little life I can actually see. (I know there’s all kinds of life on it) 

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29 minutes ago, Mmotux said:

Yessir looks similar with less holes and different color. It also sucks it. Seems like it’s sucking in water. If I tap the glass it also sucks in. Seems to be a tunicate.


any tips on my live rock? Seems that there’s little life I can actually see. (I know there’s all kinds of life on it) 

If it's sucking water, I'd agree it's not a sponge and almost certainly a tunicate. Not much to do for your liverock - just keep your tank healthy and long term you will end up with all kinds of cool stuff living in your tank. Don't get discouraged if they die off - tunicates are filter feeders and there isn't so much to eat in a new tank - as your tank matures and you add corals, you will get all kinds of neat stuff (and probably some bad stuff too).

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