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Innovative Marine Aquariums

20 gallon reef


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Hi all!

After almost two years of being reefless, I recently had the urge to get back into it. I had a 40 gallon breeder before with some zoas and LPS corals and clownfish that did very well, my hammer coral literally tripled in size from one head to 8 in less than a year!

Anyway, I recently set up a 20 gallon that I will again keep some zoas and lps, and some clowns. The tank has been running for a month now, I haven't added anything to cycle it yet because I wanted to test out auto top off and other things. Here is a pic of my rock work and lights.




I haven't noticed any algae growth though. Like none at all. Is it because I have no nitrate yet? I had some phosphate but my chemipure took care of that. More updates later!

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  • 1 month later...

I got a new coral a few weeks ago, a gold tip torch! So far, it's doing quite well. I swear it has grown in the few weeks I have gotten it. Sorry for the over blue saturation, it doesn't look this blue in real life.



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