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Algae. ARGH!


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It appears my tank has cycled, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0.


Within 12 hours of performing a 5 gallon water change, I've got algae on every surface?

What causes this? Am I missing something?

16 Gallon tank

1 Yellow Watchman Goby

1 6-Line Wrasse

1 Turbo Snail

1 Peppermint Shrimp


No coral or live rock. Using a canister filter with:


Chemipure Elite

Bio Balls

Coarse to medium sponges

Fine sponges in the top tray


I will be upgrading to a 30 to 40 gallon tank after Christmas. One of the all-in-one tanks.




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Algae is a common occurance. It really depends on the algae you have. If its a gold dusting, its diatoms which will go away on their own once they exhaust their food source.


The one thing that can be suggested. Canister filters are nutrient traps if not cleaned weekly. Sponges and bioballs are another culprit as well. Filter floss replaced 2-3 times a week is better choice to the sponges. Sponges even washed or replaced collect detritus and aid in nitrate issues.

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Sorry, Its going to take me a while to figure out how to upload pictures.


The "Stuff" is a golden yellow color. Almost a fine powder. Siphons up right away, but comes right back.

My turbo snail eats it but at a snails pace.



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Sorry, Its going to take me a while to figure out how to upload pictures.


The "Stuff" is a golden yellow color. Almost a fine powder. Siphons up right away, but comes right back.

My turbo snail eats it but at a snails pace.



Just use icon pictures. Should not be that hard.


That's okay. Mine is diatoms too. They are golden colour as you said.

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Sounds like diatoms every new tank goes thru phases like this, if it was me I'd just stick with regular maintenance. But just in case post pictures like the other people asked for

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Sorry, Its going to take me a while to figure out how to upload pictures.


The "Stuff" is a golden yellow color. Almost a fine powder. Siphons up right away, but comes right back.

My turbo snail eats it but at a snails pace.



if you can pick up some blue legged hermit crabs they should destroy your diatoms

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