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Darren's simple nano


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24854802965_19bc4c1b46_z.jpg20160205_164216-1 by Darren Huang, on Flickr


Hi all, Im Darren and would like to share my tank photos.


Started reefing 1 year ago and been through many ups and down but lurking around many forums to learn new things to correct my mistakes. Hope to know more reefers and exchange knowledge with you all. Thanks


Approx: 30gal

Tank: 50cm x 45cm x 50cm

Sump: 44cm x 35cm x 44cm

Light: ATI 8 x 24w

Flow: Gyre XF130, Rw8, Rw4

Skimmer: Aquapharm AP500


Feb 2015


24278960603_58e6c7edda_z.jpgIMG_6255 by Darren Huang, on Flickr


July 2015


24610360650_5316fff7e7_z.jpg20150706_134115 by Darren Huang, on Flickr


July 2015

Bubble tip anemone died after trying to rescape.


24610370130_bff09a6f55_z.jpg20150713_191446 by Darren Huang, on Flickr



Sept 2015,

Decided to restart everything.


24610369300_579b7f353d_z.jpg20150927_102600 by Darren Huang, on Flickr


Feb 2016


24905656725_1e9efe24e8_z.jpg6 fEB 16 by Darren Huang, on Flickr

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Holy hell that's put together so beautifully, everything is placed as if you envisioned it. Just making talk but what made you say I want to be all sps dominant? Do you still have some Lps hiding on the other side?

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thanks a lot. I do not have any more LPS, I like hammer coral those type of LPS a lot but I need to space out the corals more due to the long tentacles. I do have some zoas.

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I'm guessing you live in an Asian country?


I say that because it seems that large SPS colonies like this are more common there. Please make sure you care for this tank in a way that promotes it's longevity and the sustainability of this hobby. In other words many stony corals in other parts of the world are or may soon be classified as threatened species and collection banned. It would be great to contribute frags of these corals to others who want to grow them out to keep them from having to be harvested from wild reefs. I'm sure you'll be fragging these guys soon as there's not a whole ton of room left for grow out!


Anyways the tank looks really beautiful. I like the centralized "bommie" style.


Along with the mixed colors of the SPS it's quite stunning.

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Yes. I live in Singapore and our lfs doesnt sell frags. The only way to get frags is from other reefers. Maybe a 2" frag is S$30 while a similar colonies but not fully color up cost S$60-S$80.

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I was about to be thoroughly impressed. at first I thought that was all from 5 months worth of growth. I was about to put some serious though into what i'm doing wrong lol


Tank looks great man. Really nice.

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