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Green Sacs ?


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I have star polyps growing on a flat shell and today I noticed these clear green bubble sacs

was wondering what they could be??

should I get rid of it

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I get that once in a while. Here's how I treat it:

  1. Take the rock out (looks like that's easy given the paper towel in the photos)
  2. Gently remove the algae with forceps or tweezers (try not to pop them like Tamberav said, but not the end of the world if you do)
  3. Apply full strength hydrogen peroxide (3% kind from drug store) to the spot it was with an eyedropper or syringe. Don't be afraid to be liberal, especially if you popped any bubbles. But be aware that h2o2 will also kill coralline algae.
  4. wait 2-3 minutes
  5. put the rock back in the tank (you don't have to rinse, but it doesn't hurt to do so)

The treated spot will bubble up oxygen in the tank for a while and after a few days will look clean, white, and algae free.


h2o2 may temporarily irritate the corals, but won't hurt them. Mine normally open back up in an hour or two.


Good luck.

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I took that flat piece of rock and took it out and scraped them off the shell

there is star polyps growing right next to where the algae was will the peroxide hurt them being so close

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there is star polyps growing right next to where the algae was will the peroxide hurt them being so close


It may irritate them a little but won't injure them. If you take them out and dunk them gently back and forth into the water, they should fully retract into the mat. They'll be safe, but might not open up for a bit while the h2o2 works its magic.


I've had h2o2 directly contact palys, zoas, catalaphyllia, euphyllia, acropora, and leptoseris. They were all back to normal and open in 1-2 hours except the leptoseris, which contracted and took about 24-36 hours to look totally normal again.

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