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Is this harmful?


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I checked through a lot of other posts before starting a new thread. Hopefully someone can help. I found two of them this morning but could only get one. It's about 1/4 inch long and moves pretty quick. In these pics its moving toward the top of the cup so I'm assuming that's its head? Should I keep sucking them out when I see them? Thanks all.







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Many wrasses such as the coris and melenarus wrasses will eat them. You just need a 40 gallon or larger tank to keep them happy! Some say six lines will eat them too but this is not something I've observed in my tanks.

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Meh I don't think that they are that bad, what you see is what you got, they don't like the dark because they get light for their endosymbiotic friends, so when the light is on they are there to be seen.

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