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Any suggestions on fish and number of fish in a IM 25 lagoon


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Hey guys just looking for suggestions for my new IM 25 Lagoon. I currently have one fish a Valentini Puffer and two sexy shrimp. How many fish cold I have and I'm looking for type. Thinking about adding skunk clowns... What do yea think ?

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Hey guys just looking for suggestions for my new IM 25 Lagoon. I currently have one fish a Valentini Puffer and two sexy shrimp. How many fish cold I have and I'm looking for type. Thinking about adding skunk clowns... What do yea think ?


I think you should remove the Sexy shrimp first or the Valentini might eat them. Have you considered adding another predator (snowflake eel/blue spot puffer)? Or you could do a small wrasse like a Yellow Coris or Sixline. Something fast and active.

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I do like the six line that's a great idea might do that.. Could I do two skunk clowns as well? Or is that too much...? I have a reactor and I'm skimming. I'll sty to post some pics

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The puffer will eat the clowns.

? Maybe you're thinking of a different species of puffer?


I've never heard anything about these guys eating other fish. I seriously doubt it would take out a clownfish assuming it's not super tiny like 1/2" long or something crazy where anything could eat it...


Now shrimp, snails, crabs, and many corals yes it will likely eat those.

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Well he shows no interest in my biggest sexy shrimp(he might have eatin the little guy), ricordia, and leather thank goodness. I plan on just having ricordia and maybe trying a harder coal down the road. Six line is doing well so that's good.

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Well he shows no interest in my biggest sexy shrimp(he might have eatin the little guy), ricordia, and leather thank goodness. I plan on just having ricordia and maybe trying a harder coal down the road. Six line is doing well so that's good.

That's good. Next to clownfish sixline wrasses are probably my next favorite fish. They're not always out in the open but they're interesting to watch because they're always cruising around in & out of little holes and stuff.


As for the puffer and the shrimp, be aware that they can suddenly turn. If the fish doesn't eat the sexy shrimp today that's not a guarantee that it won't start tomorrow.


I have a cowrie snail that I kept for a few months and suddenly it developed a taste for GSP. Took me a few days actually to figure out why my GSP suddenly looked like crap because it mostly hid during the day but at night munched on the polyps.


All I'm saying is don't put inverts or corals in with the puffer fish that you aren't willing to potentially become food.

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**update** so I got a huge turbo and my puffer attacked it and then turned on my ricordia. I removed the puffer and added two little ocellaris. So I'm currently at one six line and two clowns. Can I add a couple more? I am skimming and have a reactor.

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**update** so I got a huge turbo and my puffer attacked it and then turned on my ricordia. I removed the puffer and added two little ocellaris. So I'm currently at one six line and two clowns. Can I add a couple more? I am skimming and have a reactor.

Your biggest help will be water changes provided you do that and the fish are appropriate for your system I wouldn't see harm in adding another fish. Consider something like a goby they are small alot of them and perch so you have an active rock darting fish like the wrasse,the bumbling clowns and the goby. That way they all are in their own areas by way of how they swim and areas they occupy.

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**update** so I got a huge turbo and my puffer attacked it and then turned on my ricordia. I removed the puffer and added two little ocellaris. So I'm currently at one six line and two clowns. Can I add a couple more? I am skimming and have a reactor.


Six lines and clowns can become territorial. Be careful what else you decide to add as your current 3 fish may take exception to any new inhabitants. Six Lines are notorious for this. If the clowns are small they probably won't be an issue yet. But watch the Six LIne.


Do some research on what you want to add. I would go with a dottyback or something similarly able to hold it's own.


Oh, and 4-5 fish shouldn't be an issue as long as you stay on top of maintenance.

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My female clown kills anything that moves. Snails and I only have two very smart hermits that have been in there a long time. She tries to kill my hand. When I got her a mate, she tried to kill him until I put her in a net for time out. He stayed beside her and danced for her and she accepted him. So now I have a 30 gallon tank with only two clowns. I love them so it's okay. I want to make up for all the empty space with corals.


So get your new fish quick before your three take over the tank ?

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