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35 gallon nano cube!


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Hey guys i have a 35 gallon nano cube with a 5 gallon sump and im wondering how many more fish i can add. Right now i have 1 clown 1 bicolor bleny 1 hi fin goby and a mandarin! For invert i have 2 pepermint shrimp 1 sexy shrimp and a tiger pistol. Am i done with my stocking of fish or am i ok to add more.

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Depends on your setup (amount of rock, maintenance schedule, feeding, nutrient levels, skimmer, chemical filtration, etc). My initial thought was that you might be able to add a mate for your clownfish; but that might be about all you could do.

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I have a 25g cube and have the following

1) 2 stubby clownfish

2) 1 Citron goby

3) 1 two spot gobby

4) 1 cleaner wrasse

5) 1 yellow devil fish

6) 1 black and yellow dart fish

7) 1 pep shrimp

8) 1 arrow crab

9) 10-15 hermits, not sure how many there are

10) ??? snails


Its a big bio load for the tank, but everyone has gotten along for over 2yrs. Weekly water changes of 5-6g, and running a canister filter. The biggest thing is adding animals slowly. Never added more than one fish at a time after the two initial clown fish.


But that may just be the luck my wife and I have picking out fish. You could add another clown and have problems, its just the luck of the draw.

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