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Innovative Marine Aquariums



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Pinner Reef

Ahh the classic 10g and YWG. I started with the same thing. That's a good looking scape. Very nice all around

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Just a quick update. I added a small clownfish and moved the corals. I also had a small ammonia spike due to overfeeding (I think). I was able to get it under control quickly and everything is looking good. I guess my clean up crew wasn't getting all of the leftovers...


Also my purple firefish is by far the most aggressive/territorial. Has anyone had that issue with firefish? He charges the clown anytime he goes near his cave.




How much food did you add?


How much did ammonia spike?


Nice tank mate, glad you are on to it. I have reservations about using Prime to 'cycle', but hey. To each their own.

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Ouch. :/ Moving is always horrible. Ruins everything. >.<


10-15 small pellets isn't a lot though. I feed my fish a lot more small (1mm to me) pellets than that. But anyways.


Glad that everything's back to being okay.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Everything is still going well but I have discovered that as things have settled I need more flow in the tank. I currently have on order: red sea coral pro salt, red sea reef foundation test kit, hanna checker for phosphate, and another hydor nano 240.


I plan to add a substantial amount of coral in the next couple of months as long as my levels are stable.

I would give the wp10 a serious thought, run on a 12 volt supply it should be perfect for your tank. I had two hydor 425s, I might have that number wrong, and they were pretty close to a complete joke.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Nice Tank!

My first "Marine" tank was a 10 gallon, standard tank, because they were in-expensive, when I purchased mine. I put an Aqua Clear 30 on it, and ran the INTAKE tube from the Aqua Clear HOB, with flexible hose to the inlet on an under-gravel filer. Worked great and the tank stayed aloft for about 4 years. I moved, sold the fish off, and never put it back up. I found it in the Barn a couple of weeks ago...Hummm!


I had all sorts of critters in that tank. One of the challenges I had was keeping the fish I wanted, and compatible fish in the same tank. There was fish I wanted, but then there was fish and corals that were compatible. Most of the time, I chose wrong, and at the time 100% of the fish sold in stores were "LIVE CAUGHT."


Good thing for the internet and the ability to research what others have done. I had a friend back in the day who wanted an Octopus, bought a 75 Show tank, and proceeded to go out and buy an Octopus.

The Octopus got out, and the cat took advantage. :blink: Then, he purchased another Octopus, and a cover for the tank.....the Octopus slipped through the glass top....and cat was real happy. :o


I would keep one, maybe two fish...and and a few corals. Again, do your Research on compatible corals, lighting, and stuff. Thank you "Lord" for the internet.


Nice project! Good Luck!

I am glad you decided, by your post, to have me get my aquarium out, again! ( I blamed it on you, or at least I told my wife that)

Maybe I'll do a build post! :D

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Oh...one more thing. I have had supposedly compatible fish, be not compatible. Just sayin. It's seems to me every fish has a personality of it's own, as well as being generic in their descriptions from store clerks trying to sell fish. I have had Clowns extremely aggressive, and ones that were peaceful, and they were both the same species of clown. I had better luck if I put the same critters in the tank at the same time. Just an observation....

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  • 2 weeks later...


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