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looks like a toadstool but it aint? ID help please


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hey everyone. Quick and dirty iphone picture. Ignore the shroom, the coral in question is the one closed up top right on the frag plug.


I bought it 2 weeks ago if not more. it was on the bottom of the tank, and it opened up every day (beautiful coral) under a par38. just last week i bought a kessil a160we and it was opening fine as well. Last few days its been looking like this, and only 1-3 polyps half assly extend.


curious as to why potentially? knowing the coral would help a lot. it looks like a toadstool, but there isnt an actual stock. it looks like a super small brain coral when closed it seems. when it extends, they are super neon teal looking. almost like little ffowers. (smaller than GSP)


Params i dont have new ones, i will have to test. (usually everything is on point, but my nitrates are at 15ppm, the LR i grabbed from someone leeches this. I added tons more new dry rock) I moved it up higher into the tank to see if more light would be its preference but I could be completely wrong. Aside from the actual light source, i havent changed anything myself.


I feed once a day. pellets to the fish, sometimes brine shrimp. Reef roids for the corals with small daily doses and sometimes spot.


tank specs,


18x18x16 rimless tank.

Kessil a160we

10 gallon sump

pls 50 nano skimmer

chaeto, more live rock, some polyfilter and filter floss.


Water changes occur weekly or bi weekly (i wont lie) i do 14 litres or so per water change.


live stock


blue legged hermit crabs

some snails

clownfish pair



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It's a favia and needs low light so the sandbed is best.

naw dont think so. :S


i owned a favia coral before and the extension isnt like how this coral is. this one opens up as a little flowers. closed up it does remind me as one, but im almost 99 percent confident it isnt.

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Or it could be a Cyphestra

close? it looks close but not sold on it yet.


kind of looks like this. Minus the stock. It moves around with good flow (not like a nem, but it sways its polyps around)



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Is it hard? If it's hard then it's not a toadstool

yeah i poked at it while its closed. hard as a rock.


what else looks like a toadstool but is super dense? when alll the polyps open, its a thick carpet. they extend just maybe 2 mm or so. the other one you mentioned is too spaced out, and when i googled closed images of the coral, it looked really different.







so i think it is a goniopora, but what is more interesting, is its neighbouring coral is a galaxy coral, which turns out , at night time it can extend and sting its fellow corals. I would assume it closing up could be signs of this?

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id almost like to agree on the flower pot.


damn, I wish i took a shot when i first got it. i dont have a macro lens on me now, or else i could get a snap of that one lonely polyp that likes to extend.

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okay so been looking for forever.. and it looks like a tense carpet , with really small polyps. the goni looked close, but the polyps still looked really big.




the issue i see with this though is the spacing between the heads. :S


i left it where it always used to open... i dunno if i should move it or not, considering it worked for a few weeks. but i feel like it wont make it soon if i dont sort it out.

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Weasel Baron

move it back to where it looked most happy


when they're small/frags the goniopora/alveopora polyps tend to look smaller




this small frag in my tank had me confused for a long time


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move it back to where it looked most happy


when they're small/frags the goniopora/alveopora polyps tend to look smaller




this small frag in my tank had me confused for a long time


how does it look closed up? like my OP? im scared it may be dying.


params are basically all solid, everything at nil, nitrate at 5-10ppm but nothing wild, but my magnesium is at 1600 for some reason. But 1600 doesnt sound bananas either though. so conflicted. Would light acclimation be of issue you think? the par38 was 54 watts but it def. didnt penetrate like the kessil did.

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Weasel Baron

this is what it looks like partially closed up, so fairly similar to yours


Kessil put out a LOT of light, even though they look dim, so try moving it back to the sandbed, off center from the main beam of light. The only other thing to check is alkalinity over a week or so, see if its swinging (day to day, and after a water change, etc etc)





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yeah looks like all closed up it does look very similar. maybe thats the case, the light could just be too strong. it may be too late, but the color still pops a bit under heavy blue so it could still be alive (just barely I feel ) , but ill try to keep it at half power at most. manually acclimate it i suppose.


kessil is deceiving actually with the intensity i feel. at 10K not so much but going to the cooler side, for sure. maybe ill try 50 percent power at most for now. ill have to see if I can check alk (i think i have what I need) it has been a while. i do lose about an inch of water on my sump daily, but i keep it within that inch at most. I top off daily, but i wouldnt imagine their being such a swing. :S

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solved things. my light was wayy too strong. its at 50 percent now, and its damaged, but opening up now with progress.



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