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Innovative Marine Aquariums

30 gallon tank w/ MP10 & Hydor 425 too much?


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I have some dead spots with my mp10 right now. Was planning on adding this in my tank. Too much? And, where should I place it if I already have my mp10 firing from the right?

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Point it at the dead spots :)


To make some turbulence, I'd point it into the path of the mp10, or at one of the walls of the tank for it to hit and rebound from.

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You might be able to get rid of the dead spots by turning up and repositioning the MP10. You might even need to adjust your aquascape. When adjusting, tie a string to the end of a fish net and to observe the resulting flow patterns and intensities. If you still can't achieve the flow that you want, you can always add another powerhead.

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