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Coral Vue Hydros

Anyone with a Kessil A150W Ocean Blue?


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Hey there,


So I was considering upgrading the lighting on my 12g Nano, currently I have an AI Nano and not happy with the product at all and was looking at getting another light from a different company and there are tons of excellent reviews.


What I'm wondering is what are the capabilities of the A150W? From everything I see it should be enough for a 12g but there is also a controller, Do I need this? Is the A150w even adjustable? and what aditional capabilities is there is regards to my Apex Jr? I guess my main concern is if this light has no dimming or adjusting I would be scared to hang it over my tank and fry my corals if the intensity is to great if that makes sense.


Thanx for your time!

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The 150 is not adjustable and does not have a controller so it wont be dimmable, its always running 100% on.


You might be thinking about the brand new Kessil 160 that just came out. It is an upgrade to the 150 and has a controller for dimming and color control. Either way, they will both grow pretty much anything you would want to put in your 12g tank, I love my 150 although the fan is slightly louder than I prefer it to be. I like my stuff dead-silent. ;)

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I just got the 160 and the controller and so far I love it and the fan is dead silent.


You don't need the controller, there are knobs on the top for spectrum (actinic to 10k) and for intensity. You could find settings that work for you and just run it off a timer.


The controller gives you the ability to set dawn to dusk cycles and a setting for accounting corals automatically. It's totally worth it IME but if the budget is tight it could be added later

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