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Identification help: Barnacles?


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I've been watching these things on one of my live rock pieces for a week or so. I *think* they're barnacles and I know this is a stupid question, but I can't confirm. The middle of these white circular barnacles has clear, transparent tentacles that come out and wave and then retract in. At first I thought they were glass anemones but then I realized that they are completely clear, not just transparent and the way they retract into the hard structure that is attached to the rock makes me think they aren't. I couldn't get a picture of the tentacles, but the circle things are the white circles with the stripy things.


Any ideas? Good or bad...


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Def good, they are corals that go by the name of Hidden Cup Corals. They require to be fed but most do fine with just catching random things in the tank time to time.

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Def good, they are corals that go by the name of Hidden Cup Corals. They require to be fed but most do fine with just catching random things in the tank time to time.

Nice!! Thank you! I had tried searching and I was coming up with blanks!

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No problem! They are very interesting and will grow more heads when you target feed.

I am definitely going to start. I'm so happy they're not something bad as they're really cool looking.

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