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Innovative Marine Aquariums

LDD drivers without a controller?


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I have a bunch of leftover LDD drivers from an old LED build, and was wondering if its feasible to use them without the storm (or similar) controller. I just want to have dimming knobs, and a wall timer, for a frag tank I'm setting up. it would be a lot cheeper if I could use the drivers I already have, and not buy a whole controller for them, so all I would need would be the LEDs and the knobs. is there any way to do this?

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You'll need a controller no matter what, even if all it is doing is converting a 0-10v signal to PWM. O2surplus sells them on RC for like $20, does 4 channels. You'll need to give it 5v power and then a 10v power supply hooked to potentiometers on the dimming inputs.

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