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Cultivated Reef

Possible Stocking Options


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Hey all,

I'm a newcomer to the saltwater hobby, and have never owned a saltwater tank. I do not currently live in an area where maintaining a reef would be viable. I have, however, been researching extensively, both online, and in my books.

After much thought, consideration, and nervous looks into my wallet, I have decided that I want to start with an aquarium in the 18-26 gallon range. I want to design the tank around the fish I want to keep, so I have not decided on any equipment as of yet. I did come up with some stocking plans though.


Option 1 - Small carnivore community

  1. Magnificent Fire fish x1
  2. Bangaii Cardinalfish x1
  3. Royal Gramma x1

I know that this combo would require a lot of LR, with cliffs, overhangs, caves, and bolt holes. The gramma would be added last, to try and mitigate aggression issues. Also, if I got a tank 30 gallons or larger, I'd add a mandarin dragonet.


Option 2 - Small omnivore community

  1. Rainsford Goby x1
  2. Percula or Ocellaris clowns x2

If I got a larger tank, then maybe a trio of yellowtail damsels or blue-green reef chromis.


I would also be attempting to keep some zoas, shrooms, colony polyps, and some hardy softies, along with a crab-less CUC. Maybe eventually some SPS like montipora, or some inverts like blood-red or skunk cleaner shrimp. If anyone foresees any compatibility issues, please tell me.


Many thanks, Firefish



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Rainsford Gobys almost never accept prepared foods and often starve in small tanks. They need algae and pods to graze on.


If you add a mandarin, you will need to train it to accept frozen foods.


The other fish are great choices though.

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Like I said, I want to design the tank around the fish, so if they won't do well in that sort of setup, then I won't get them. What would you suggest as an alternative to a Rainford goby? Preferably something smaller than 3 inches, peaceful, reef safe, easy to keep? Also, could I keep either the mandarin or goby if I had an external refugium used for culturing pods?

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I don't think they're omnivores but a couple green banded gobies I think would go great in that set up. They're great fish. I had two in my 4G and they even spawned. I also had two in my 40G with a clown and they never bothered each other. They grazed on pods and ate pellets and frozen foods wonderfully. Mine usually hid if they were alone but would come out together in pairs. Super cute. Love those little fish.

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