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20 gallon long light for lps and clams


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I just got a 20 gallon long as an upgrade and what would be the best light to support my maximas and LPS? I have a quad t5 on my 10 gallon but I was wondering if led would work on the 20 long upgrade or should I just stick to t5?

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If you like T5s then an appropriately sized fixture for a 20L in T5s would be fine for just about any corals.


If you want to go LED what are you looking for in an LED fixture. There are a lot of fixtures on the market today and it helps to have a good understanding of what you want before suggesting anything.

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I'm very happy with my Kessil A350s, so I'd add the A160 to your list of research items. I'd get 2 for that tank. Rapid LED Onyx fixtures are nice too, bu you should hang it high enough to avoid the disco effect due to LED spacing. Radions are good too, but I like my Kessils more (aesthetics).

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