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6.25g rimless macro algae display tank


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Here is my pride and joy...

It's a 6.25g rimless tank stuffed with macro

Being shortley obsessed with all the different types of macro available I figured I'd try my hand at a macro only tank.

I have been in the hobby for over 12 years and have had almost every coral imaginable. At the end of it all this is the most fun I've had. I had a recent macro tank before this one but it crashed due to the dumb idea I had of using tap water for extra nutrients for the algae. Not that it doesn't work for others but it didn't work for me everything got covered in algae in my tank and melted away.


System has been up since August.


Lights are a fluval plant led and a 10k 36w pc light

The back false wall holds a 100w heater and some filter pads with an 80gph return pump. Additional flow is covered by a Koralia nano. There's about roughly 20lbs of rock and 15 lbs of Carib sea live sand.


1 g water changes are performed weekly with 8 drops of Kent marine coral vite and using reef crystals salt with distilled water.. I feed 2 times a day once in the morning and night before lights off.


Light are on a timer for 10hrs per day.


Got about 18 different macros in this tiny gem and houses a royal grammar, yellow clown goby, peppermint shrimp, cerith snails and nassarius snails.

I sometimes battle a little cyano, I think I need more flow haha.


I moving in a month in which everything will be transferred over into a 29g tank?


Hope you enjoy.. Let me know what you think

















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Nice! Love me some dragons breathe. I have been thinking of doing a macro tank, might mix some in with my softy tank. Looks good keep it up

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Thanks vlangel...

Jmarcink mixing macro within a softy tank would work really well esp red macro since they like the bluer spectrum of lighting and don't really take over anything. I personally love the dragons breath but I have this blue red dictoya that is really starting to become my favorite lately

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Thanks vlangel...

Jmarcink mixing macro within a softy tank would work really well esp red macro since they like the bluer spectrum of lighting and don't really take over anything. I personally love the dragons breath but I have this blue red dictoya that is really starting to become my favorite lately

Welp you convinced me! haha. I have some tank re modeling to do, but when I switch everything around i do have a piece of dragons breath so it will go in the softy tank. I'll have to look that one up, dont know too much about macros yet

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Did a trim today of the razor calurpa and a water change while my son was playing with his new toys from Santa. Hope you guys like the pics Merry Christmas!!!!



Here is a pic of the red blue dictoya that is my favorite right now



Can't wait ... 2 weeks and we move into the new house and upgrade

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Yes upgrade as in bigger around 20-29gallons

I want to run a canister filter also for some added beneficial bacteria and more flow. Got some cyano on some algae that is driving me crazy.. I also want to be able to let the macros grow larger and not have to be constantly on top of them. Thanks for the kind words vlangel. I'll be posting pics of the upgrade as I go

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Yes upgrade as in bigger around 20-29gallons

I want to run a canister filter also for some added beneficial bacteria and more flow. Got some cyano on some algae that is driving me crazy.. I also want to be able to let the macros grow larger and not have to be constantly on top of them. Thanks for the kind words vlangel. I'll be posting pics of the upgrade as I go

I will be anxious to follow your build!

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Well we move Saturday in which my 29 g tank is already in the new house waiting for my arrival. Got everything I need besides a little more rock to get everything going. So excited to get more room so the algae can grow larger. I will post pics of the build as I go... Stay tuned

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well the move was a success and the upgrade was completed. As promised a couple pics of the newly setup 29g hope you like em....





Just noticed how empty it looks now.. Went from an almost full 6.25g now to this.. Need more macros to fill in now

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Well the move was a success and the upgrade was completed. As promised a couple pics of the newly setup 29g hope you like em....http://s573.photobucket.com/user/brokereefer/media/image_zps0eefe12a.jpg.html'>image_zps0eefe12a.jpghttp://s573.photobucket.com/user/brokereefer/media/image_zpsc01fe038.jpg.html'>image_zpsc01fe038.jpghttp://s573.photobucket.com/user/brokereefer/media/image_zps65b7d7ac.jpg.html'>image_zps65b7d7ac.jpgJust noticed how empty it looks now.. Went from an almost full 6.25g now to this.. Need more macros to fill in now

All in due time. Don't look at the empty space as ...empty. Look at it as potential spots for more cool macros.

I love your scape and you sure have lots of red! That will make for a dramatic effect when they grow a bit. Very nice, I like it.

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Def agree. Lots of red, mostly due to my dragons tongue macro grows like a weed for me. There is prob about 3-4 frags of it in the tank.

Need more green in there. Crazy that I can't find caulerpa prolifera or grape caulerpa. My blue scroll, blue ochodes and sargassum grow painfully slow for me for some reason... I need to find those caulerpas and ulva. Might be picking up some mermaids fan today. I went to my lfs the other day and they had them. Hopefully they still have it.. Sad story about the move though had a awesome peppermint shrimp. During this tank setup my shrimp must of jumped out of the tank. I saw my dog in the corner of the kitchen looking very suspicious. Found out she took a liking to pep shrimp. Although she didn't eat the shrimp, the shrimp was torn to bits =( . Thinking of doing an only macro and shrimp tank. Kinda what I use to do in a freshwater planted tank. The razor caulerpa that is in the front middle of the tank sends runners across the sand. I want that to cover my sand to look like the (lawn effect) in freshwater planted. I'll post some other pictures of what I pick up after the trip to the lfs... Stay tuned...

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And then.....




Things got serious....








Can't stop collecting ?









Also ended up getting a small tomato clown a banded shrimp and fire cleaner shrimp


Tomorrow I'm getting red ulva in a trade can't wait

Still battling darn brown algae from the new tank syndrome but everything is coming along

I ended up losing my celurpa ashmedia sp.. ?? And celurpa mexicana ? my red blue dictoya died back a ton I have just a little tiny tiny piece left of it hopefully it recovers to its formal glory


Let me know what tall think

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Hey yoshii my sargassum had a hold fast it just shriveled up on me so I ended up losing that too that's one tough mother of a macro in my book

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Let me know what tall think


Very nice... Is that a Codium sp. in the front left? I've had good luck with just about everything except that type. It doesn't die, just sits there and never grows much..

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