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test kits


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Hydrometer: SeaTest. Get a refractometer if you can afford it.

You want a full-range hydrometer in case you want to acclimate ghost shrimp to saltwater, for example.


Test kits: Seachem seems to be the best compromise on the price/accuracy scale. You'll want the following, eventually:

pH, both saltwater and high-range freshwater






Hmmm. And probably in about that order, too.


The freshwater high-range pH kit needs to read up to at least 8.6. When you do a freshwater dip on a fish, the dip water needs to be the same pH as the tank water; also useful when you want the topoff water to be the same pH as the tank water ;)

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LaMotte are da best, but too pricy fer my blood to use every day.

I use Dry Tab and the Wardly "big 3" I call um... Amm, Nitrite Nitrate. Also Sea test calcium.

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