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Help, Tang Might Have Ich!


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Looks like it to me. I'm going through the same thing now....4 weeks in.

Beautiful fish, I'd get all fish to quarantine asap. I went the copper route (Cupramine) without any ill effects..... they actually appeared much happier just a couple days in.

Good luck.

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This may sounds really bad but I would let the fish be you know if he's not rubbing on te rocks it might not be ich start soaking your food in garlic don't try to catch the fish to put in quarantine that will cause more stress.

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This may sounds really bad but I would let the fish be you know if he's not rubbing on te rocks it might not be ich start soaking your food in garlic don't try to catch the fish to put in quarantine that will cause more stress.

I would not listen too closely to this.


I would read this in its entirety, however:http://www.reefsanctuary.com/forums/fish-diseases-treatments/23132-marine-ich-myths-facts.html

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I agree with Ben. I lost several fish that I had for years that showed zero signs. Then I had the few remaining that made it to treatment with only showing a few spots. Treat the fish.

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Here is the zinger, im leaving on friday for Hawaii for a week. So do you think he can make it till i get back before i start treatment.

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A few of mine had zero signs and were dead hours later...no spots, no rubbing. A few others showed visible signs and lasted into quarantine.... now doing great. If I had set up a quarantine tank right away instead of hoping for miscellaneous easy ways out, I'd still have all my fish. Not to mention a simple quarantine tank cost less than other bogus "treatments".


Get the fish in a qt, dose Cupramine per directions, 50% wc and bring copper back up to treatment level the day you leave and have someone feed just what they consume in a feeding while you're gone. They should be fine for a week.


Or don't do anything and probably come back to dead fish anyway.

I'd treat your fish.

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Update - He's still doing fine today and the spots have pretty much gone. Im starting to think it wasn't ich, but something stressed him out.

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Judging by your pics that's not a very bad case of ich. Don't stress it but keep a close eye on the fish. I haven't lost a fish to ich in years but I have had the occasional outbreak from time to time (usually just confined to one or two fish). Keep him eating and the problem will take care of itself most of the time. Pretty fish!

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