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Botryocladia Skottsbergii - Red Valonia ***help***


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HI there all, I found this thread earlier today, I read most of it and finally decided I need to post something regarding this "RED BUBBLE" aka Red Valonia.

I started my JBJ 28 CF 2 years ago with all Dry Rock and seeded it with a friends piece of Coralline covered Live Rock.

All my parameters are in check.... I just can't stop this :headwally: Red Bubble crap.

All was good for 2 years, until recently I ordered a clean up crew and introduced it to my tank... "short story" ended up with this Red Valonia (Botryocladia skottsbergii) and a Mojano Anemone.... WOOO HOOO 'ya rite! I am beyond frustrated...

I am thinking about doing a slow drip of peroxide in my display tank. From what I read the only occupant that will parish or maybe die would be my cleaner shrimp which I really like and my xenia which i don't really care about.

Any thoughts ..... please anyone .... looking to eradicate this b4 it becomes a big problem.

Thanks in advance



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