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Lps coral id? and how to post pictures?


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I'm leaning towards a lobo, but it's colors scream acan. It's awesome looking whatever it is.

That's what I was thinking bit the defined sections and shapes are similar.


I think logos are a little more erratic!

Picked that little bigger upon for $20 at the fish store!

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Ya. I love it! In the more the think about it I do think it's favia because its feeders are so long! Not that lobos arent but these are way longer than the ones from the logo I have! And really??? $40-$50 Wowza. I'm going to feed it like crazy!

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  • 8 months later...

Hi Everyone,

This is Russ at Photobucket. I am part of our Community Outreach Team and my job is to make sure that your forum is the best it can be. I have noticed several posts asking how to upload photos to this forum from a mobile device. Photobucket makes it easy. Use this tutorial as an up-to-date reference; I hope it is helpful.

Step number one You’ll need to get the app. You can do this from your computer by clicking here. Select the Photobucket Mobile app by clicking “Get It.” Then simply enter your phone number and a link will be sent to you via text message.
Alternatively, you can search for the app in the App Store or Marketplace and download it that way.

Step number two Find the photo you want to post and click on its info button.

Step number three If you want to paste the image directly into the text of the post you are writing, grab its IMG code by clicking here, and paste it in.

If you are using your forums Insert Photo Button, then you will need to grab the images Direct link by clicking here:

I hope this was helpful. Feel free to send me your feedback, suggestions or questions.

Community Outreach

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