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Coral Vue Hydros

Would bali green slimer be ok in a 3 gal pico?


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i have a 3 gallon pico lit by 10 watts led a couple inches off the surface, right now all i have are polyps and softies, ive heard green slimer is one of the easiest sps. do you think it would be ok in a pico? is the slime it gives off going to be a problem with water parameters?

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i have a 3 gallon pico lit by 10 watts led a couple inches off the surface, right now all i have are polyps and softies, ive heard green slimer is one of the easiest sps. do you think it would be ok in a pico? is the slime it gives off going to be a problem with water parameters?


Green Slimer was my first SPS and aside from a brush with some green star polyps, which it's recovering from, it's pretty easy going. Give it a try! It's probably the easiest of the bunch. There are also some really easy birds nest corals out there.

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For what it's worth, we have a local reefer who keeps some supposedly difficult SPS under what would be considered underpowered T5 lighting. Water quality is probably more important than lighting with SPS, but that said, green slimer is probably the most forgiving of water quality.


I bet you can grow it.

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Deleted User 3

I'm growing a Montipora Digiata on my sandbed in my 20 high under 2 t5ho lights... yeah.... so i'd say yes ! :P Sometimes you get lucky, like meee.

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