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Should i clean my refugium?


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I have an aquatraders hob refugium with skimmer and there is a layer of debrie on the bottom of the refugium portion. I didn't know if i should syphon it out at the next water change or leave it be. The refugium is bare bottom with a ball of chaeto and Intank submersible light

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I have an aquatraders hob refugium with skimmer and there is a layer of debrie on the bottom of the refugium portion. I didn't know if i should syphon it out at the next water change or leave it be. The refugium is bare bottom with a ball of chaeto and Intank submersible light


if it is easy to do, I would remove the debris and detritus. If you leave it there, it will likely build up and eventually put a strain on the biological filter.

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