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Cultivated Reef

Suggestion fish on open top tank?


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Hi there..been a while since I posted here.


I am down to 1 clown in my tank since the last one jumped. What is your suggestion to get fish my tank


20x20x10 with 10g and skimmer that has open top? I will be making a trip to that fish place at Lancaster this weekend...

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I have an open top tank and have for 3 years now. Here are a few good options for you...

- Goby/Shrimp combo (I have a Yellow Watchman with a Pistol Shrimp)

- Blue or Green Reef Chromis

- Dwarf Angels (Cherubs, Flamebacks, LeMark)

- Dottybacks (I had a neon dottyback for 2 years, finally traded him in. Cool fish but can be agressive)

- Basslets - I have a Black Cap Basslet

- Tangs - but your tank is too small

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All fish will jump. I've even had a yellow watchman goby jump. And these seem like they'd be the least likely because they just stay at the bottom all the time.

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ya... all fish have the ability to jump. Get a screen made. You can DIY one for 10 bucks.

This ^^^


Here's my 40b, using this exact method. Clear screen from BRS.


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Understandable you guys to make a top. Also, I can't make a top..there are cable going in the tank...so there is gap regardless......


So topless is not not a trend anymore/


thanks for others for the suggestion.

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