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Via Aqua 18g Set Up Advice


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Made a good trade for a Via Aqua 18g and I'm looking for some advice on setting it up. I'm going to keep a wartskin frogfish in it and some zoo's and other "easy" corals.


For lighting, I'll keep the stock 2x32w PC's for awhile but I'll soon switch to one 150w DE, 14 or 20K, in a PFO or Reef Optix pendant with probably an Ice Cap electronic ballast. I know I don't really need MH, but I like the glitter lines.


I'll ditch the UG filter that comes with the Via Aqua and the powerhead which I'll use for mixing makeup water or something.


I haven't decided whether to use an AC 500 (with baffle mod and skimmer) or a CPR Aquafuge yet. Which would you guys recommend? I don't care about the price difference. Can the CPR be rigged up with a skimmer like the AC 500? I'll also add a powerhead or two to the tank as needed. I could use recommendations on these as well. I'd like to keep tank clutter down as much as possible even though I won't be drilling the tank for a closed loop or anything.


I'm not going to use a protein skimmer.


I'd like to add an auto top off setup as well. What is a good one?


Some seeded sand and liverock and.....that's my plan.


I'd appreciate any suggestions and comments you might have.



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Fuge - While it's still dry I think you should drill it for an overflow and put a sump underneath - the gain in water volume is more than worth the hassle. Hook up a SCWD from a Mag 5 or 7 for alternating current on the return. But, as you said you don't want to drill... I like the CPR aquafuge, just for the fact that it'll bump up your water volume a little more than an AC 500 will. Toss in as much live rock as you can, and throw in some chaeto.


Powerheads - maxi-jets, as far as what model it really depends on how much flow you want through the tank. A lot of people like the aquaglobes - they're tiny and can put out some good current. However, if you went with the sump and scwd you'd be set for flow and random currents.


Autotopoff - I'm using one from californiareefs.com (physh1 on nano-reef.com), and have been really pleased with it.


Lighting - I'd go ahead and go with the 250w HQI DE over the 150, the price difference in the end is about $30 more than the 150. Once you catch the SPS bug, you'll thank me (believe me... it will happen).



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Thanks for the advice. I'm starting to lean towards the CPR Aquafuge for the same reason you mentioned. Do you think I can rig up a surface skimmer to it or will I really need one? Yeah, I know, drill the tank.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Ok lets go back to the basics. Your going a little overboard, is this your first nano?

This is only 18 gal minus displacment by sand, rock.

First of all you say you only want a wartskin frog fish (cool I have only a frog in my 15gal awesome) and some soft corals.

You don't always have to have the brightest light and expensive hard corals to keep a reef, a simple soft coral low light reef with frogfish or whatever is just as good or better than an expensive MH with hard corals and fancy filters. Remember KISS (keep it simple stupid)

Don't get the metal halide way to much damn light and heat (evaporation), you won't need anything more than PCs or T5s especially for easy soft corals.

Frogfish don't like to much light especially in a small tank where they can't get away.

Protien Skimmer optional, for frogfish recomened. Natural is nicer and less destructive on a nano. There are other ways of natural filteration, Plenum, DSB, lots of live rock.

Oh another thing you will want somthing to break up the surface water so I would recomend a ordinary over edge filter like an AquaClear filters are excellent. Get the biggest one you can and fill it with refugium stuff and will act like a bio filter or you can stick your heater in it and a small bag of active carbon every now and then along with live rock.

Auto top off excellent look up DIY ideas from a milk jug or jar, very simple law of gravity system, help find if curious.

If a fug fits on back great but sounds to me like you really don't need one all that bad, more evap, but more water volume.

A note about the refugium, if you get a hang on back refugium, most people keep the refugium light on 24/7 for many beneficial reasons. Now here is your problem if you leave the light on and this hanging of the back of your tank at night, your corals and fish are not getting their night cycle which will mess them up and stress fish.

Another thing about frogfish is current, you need areas where can chill and not be blasted be current from all angles so you probably a little less than a normal reef.

Basically your really need to priotize fish coral or coral fish and combine with similar conditions. And watch out it sounds like your LFS is talking you into buying more than what you really need just so they can make a quick buck, I see it happen all the time no matter how smart they are they are also buisnessmen.

If you have any more questions e-mail me.


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