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Cultivated Reef

Water testing.


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I have one of those floating hydrometer and am not sure it is real acurate. I would like to know if anyone as any suggestions on something better that won't break the bank. Also what do you use to test for calcium? Is there some all in one solution for testing all water params?




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Refractometers are much more accurate than hydrometers. IMO its well worth the investment. As for testing the water... there are test kits that contain multiple test types, but there is no such thing as a single all-in-one test. For calcium I'd use either LaMotte, Salifert or Seachem. Salifert and LaMotte make the best hobby grade test kits.

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Well thanks for the info, I guess I will have to wait for a bit to get refractometer, unless I can find one cheaper....


Are the floating ones better then the deep six type?

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