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is this possible?


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Hi all, I'm new here. :)


I got a royal gramma for my 3-week old 10g aquarium yesterday(4-29). The tank has 5 hermits, 5 ceriths, 1 mushroom, and a small bit of GSPs. I am fairly sure he has come down with ick, either that or his nost got bashed up during shipping. So, I am considering the addition of a neon goby to take care of the ick. My question is how soon can I add another fish(neon goby)? I don't want to lose the gramma, and I can't quarantine, so the goby is needed to control the ick.








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i wouldn't depend on another fish to clean the ick off. if you can't quarantine, i would get his out and try a fresh water dip for 4-5 min and mix his food up w/ some garlic.

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Alright, thanks.


He was out of his cave for the first time tonight, and eating. He looked very chipper with only a speck or two of ick on his nose. My cousin who works at the LFS and is an experienced reefer gets back in town on Sunday, so I will try and wait to take action, unless it gets worse.


Thanks again!!!:P

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Ick is usually brought on by stress. What are your water params? You should wait at least 6 weeks before adding another fish. If you don't see any more outbreaks of ick in that time then your tank should be clear of it. Adding another fish now would just heighten the stress level and the new fish would almost certainly also be subjected to an outbreak of ick.

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Thanks! Params are fine, but I think he has been stressed through shipment to the LFS, and the subsequent trip home. I think some of the white specks I have seen are actually copepods that came off of his cave walls and onto him while he was in there(his cave rock is loaded with copepods!). Right now, he got driven out of his cave by a cerith snail, and is cowering in the corner.


And I have decided to wait before adding the goby. I think I kind of panicked about the ick!


Again, many thanks!:)

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I doubt the white spots are copepods, just doesn't happen that way. Your tank is pretty new, and i went through the same thing not so long ago. He'll probably die, and after he does just give it a few weeks, like 4 weeks before you give it another shot. Good luck, i know how frustrating it is. Be patient..

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