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Cultivated Reef

Hardiest Shrimp...?


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For hardiness I'd say a Peppermint shrimp.


Mine had been plastered to the intake of my AquaClear 402 powerhead for 2 days while I was out of town (the intake protective cone fell off). He looked crushed when he hobbled out of it after I turned it off but 2 days later he's fine :*(

He also was stuck in the same powerhead overnight months before.


Not sure if a pep's right for you but I think mine will outlive me!

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Coral Banded Shrimp are VERY difficult to kill and are very interesting to look at! You really have to work hard to kill one of those things!

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I'd had my Coral Banded Shrimp for about a year and a half now. The thing is a true survivor and amazing! No probs.

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