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Float switch problems


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Im a little annoyed the my aqua clear PH's dont hae the power to push the water 4 feet high. I tried the 201 and was able to get about 2.5 feet in the air, and then it just wasnt strong enough to pump out any more, then I tried the 301 and I got it to about 3 feet high, moved it up one inch, and water flow stopped. My main goal was to put the bucket of RO under my cabinet and have a line running to the tank (distance from PH in bucket to top of tank = 4.5 feet) Neither of the power heads will do that...my only option is to move the bucket closer to the tank, level with the tank, or above the tank....It will work fine if the bucket is less than 2.5 feet from the tank, but as soon as the bucket gets lower, the water pressure drops. This sucks...just wanted to rant.


What PH's do you guys use for your auto top offs, and what is the distance in height from your PH in the bucket to the top off entry mounted on top of tank, just wanted to know how you guys have yours set up. Thanks.



:*( B) zzz :D

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Meaning an airpump? One inlet tube, and one outlet tube? Siliconed the tubing to the cap? is that what you mean...or am I thinking of something else?

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I have an air driven top off also. You have the outlet hooked up to any size air pump pushing air into an airtight container, have another tube going out of the container into your tank. When pressure fills the container water pushes up out of the tube and into your tank. My airtight container is one of the vertical rectange shaped 1 gallon water bottles. Make it airtight by siliconing your air tubes. You can control the drip flow slow enough to dose alk with a little adjust screw from the LFS. Make sure your tube isn't in the water or else you will get a reverse syphon back into your container. Hope this helps. PM me if you still got questions.

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Aquaclear's don't have the head pressire capability. Rio's work (800 and smaller) and MaxiJet's (1200 and smaller). I've got a MJ1200 pumping 4 feet and a Rio800 pumping 5 feet. Both do it easily.



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I use one of those 2 gallon mini water jugs (that look like the ones on a water cooler). Two holes drilled in the cap. A piece of tubing goes all the way to the bottom of the jug and another piece goes to my $5 air pump. My float switch kicks the power on and..... voila. Topoff!! I like the air driven as opposed to the power head because it is basically a trickle and tops off over a longer period of time so I dont get a giant amount of fresh water flooding into my system all at once. It is also a great choice for adding kalkwasser to your system.


Hope that helps.

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Same as Jason!!!! Except I blew out my original plastic 1ga jug......Kalk everywhere :x Replaced it with a 3ga glass carboy and stopper from a homebrew place ($19 total). One carboy lasts me about 3 weeks.


Air power is the way to go...for all the reasons Jason has already stated. My tank and inhabitants have been much happier since I started ATO with Kalk

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I definitely like my air powered auto top off, since air is powering it, no need to clean a pump or powerhead. The best part is I made a hanging bracket for the float switch out of a paper clip. I'd like to see a snail do a highwire act to get to my float switch!

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