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12 GAL Nano Cube?????


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Filled my new 12 gal. Nano Cube tonight. Quess what.... it only holds 8 gal. of water. How can JBJ sell it as a 12 Gal when it only holds 8. The good thing is that I now actually have 3 watts per gallon.

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the bad thing is that watts per gallon means nothing. many corals have a critical mass of light that must be reached to thrive. the good news is that after taking away the water in the sump you have slightly more than 3 watts per gallon. BTW was there rock or sand in the tank? it will reduce your water volume.

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No sand or rock as of yet. I will be adding that on Friday after pay day if you know what I mean. I know this is off the path of this thread... Im using Instant Ocean Salt and It has a SPG range of 1.020 - 1.023 What should I aim for. I see some people have it at 1.024.

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I filled mine yesterday and it took about 9.5 gallons (1.95 boxes of Petco Catalina Real Ocean water).

I was surprised after filling it over half with only 5 gallons, switched on the powerhead and realized the back "sump" didn't fill up.

Don't know if that hur the powerhead, but it is awfully noisy.

May have to replace it with a MiniJet.

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