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What shrimp should I get?


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Can someone suggest what shrimp I should get? I want one that's peaceful with the other specimens in my tank.


I read that skunk and blood shrimp can be pretty shy. Is that right? Does that mean I'll rarely see them? BTW, is a blood shrimp the same as a fire shrimp? The pics on google suggest they are. Sexy shrimp seem interesting. They're quite small which might be good for my 10g tank. Those three types are what my local stores have. If I get a sexy shrimp, can I get another (sexy or otherwise) since they're so small?


BTW, I only have hermit crabs, snails, and corals right now. I have an assorment of zoos. I also have a few leathers, a couple of hammers, GSP, mushrooms, and a green montipora and a purple one as well.

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blood and skunks are both cleaner shrimps and are shy. mine only comes out during feeding. sexy shrimps are cool. theyll give you some butt action by bobbing it right in your face. they can be kept in groups. 3 would be nice. :)

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Fire shrimp and blood shrimp are different names for the same critter. They tend to be shy, but are more likely to hang out in the open if there is more than one. From my experience the skunk cleaners tend to be less shy than the other species of cleaner shrimp. Sexy shrimp do well in groups and like to hang out in the open. I believe that they will host with anenomes much like clownfish do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

cleaner is the way to go, but peppermints are fun too so dont count them out. If you want more color go with the blood, personally i like the skunk better. stay away from coral banded, mantis and pistol shrimp.


As far as sexy shrimp, i dont care for them much as they are very small, but that can be perfect for a nano

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