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Cultivated Reef

need advice on first fish.


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I would like to add 2 fish to my 7 gal nano. What are two different but compatable fish to add either together or one at a time as to allow the tank to adapt to the bio load. I like gobies, blennies and clown fish. Thanks for your help.



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thanks Ian.


were thinking a clown and a gobie...I've seen people have those in their tanks and they seem to do well. thanks again for your help


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thanks Korbin,

That's a Golden Neon Goby right? Very nice. is that picture taken of your tank? Think were going with adding a goby first then down the line add a clown.



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Yeah thats my tank. My clown hosts in that coral and he lets the goby sit on the edge. They sometimes swim and play with eachother, and the goby actually steals food right out of my clownfish's mouth. IMO - these two fish get along great.

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