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floating mushroom


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One of my shrooms detached from its rock since the rock had become too crowded. I am wondering if I should let it roll around until it finds its own place, or should I glue it somewhere...and where do I find the appropriate glue?



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You can do several things:


1. Let it float around until it finds a home. May or may not be where you would want it. Mine tend to end up in the back of the tank.


2. Use a piece of mesh to attach it to a rock. Put a rubber band around each end of the mesh. After a week it should be attached.


3. Use a super glue gel to hold it down.


4. Push it into a hole in a piece of live rock.


By doing options 2-4 you can start a new piece of mushroom rock and place it where you want. You can also create pieces that you can trade for other frags.

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