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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Pale Peppermint Shrimp?


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Our two peppermint shrimp have been in the tank (20H) for a few months, doing well.


One has been carrying eggs for a while, and yesterday I noticed that one in the front of the tank, looking very pale, not wanting to eat at feeding time, and moving a little strangely.


It's still alive this morning, still looking pale. The eggs are still there, too.


All waterparameters were fine last night (0 for ammo, nitrites and trates, temp 80 F, pH 8.2). I did a small waterchange, anyhow.


I never dose with iodine (should I), and so far, both shrimp have molted without problems every few weeks.


All other creatures and corals in the tank are perfectly fine.


Any ideas what could be wrong with the shrimp, and what I could do to help it?

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