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I was wondering if anyone had done anything with a FOWLR on the nano level. For me this would be the best place to start. my tank is a ten and i would be looking to keep something along the lines of a firefish, and perhaps ocellaris clown, or a chalk bass. SOmething similar. jsut interested in knowing what the success of people who have done these before. I will definately be looking to go to a reef soon after, but would llike to establish the FOWLR for a awhile. thanks.

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I currantly have a 16g aga fowlr tank with 2 false percs. It seems to be working fine. with 10lbs lr though I think I could use a little more LR. Eventually i will try some beginner corals but my tank is only one month old and I have to add some clean up critters. My fish seem very happy and are fun to watch feed.


my params are steady at









Ill have to raise sg a bit and check my params for calcium and phosphates before I get any corals/

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I had a 20 gallon FOWLR with a striated frogfish and a small helmet cowfish. Loved that tank. Unfortunately they got Ick and perished during hyposalinity. Now I have a 20 fowlr that's going to be home to my true perc (has been fishless for over 30 days to avoid another Cyrpto problem). Also going to add a 6 line wrasse and possibly a scooter blenny.

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My 20 gallon tank is a POWLR (Pufferfish only with liverock) and it's usually immaculate and all levels are maintained through regular weekly water changes.


But I think Im going to catch the puffs tommorrow and take them back to teh LFS and opt for something more reeflike, perhaps another clown or a firefish from my nanocube will be moved in (assuming I can catch the three little puffs in this tank as they are not afraid of most things, like turkeybasters they regularly come over to see what it is, but put a net in the water and all hell breaks loose and they dart away as fast as they can), I think I'd like to give the liverock the opportunity to bloom with life instead of letting the puffers scour it with their beaks in search of the odd morsel of food.

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