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Nano Cube vs. 10 AGA


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I have the option of getting a Nano Cube or making a custom setup using two ten gallon tanks(one display the other fuge). my question is this....What would you do. I figure the 2 10 gallons would cost a bit more...but since I plan on going slow on this it would not matter much. Tell me what you think!



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Do the custom set-up - isn't that what you really want to do anyway ? ( lol)

I believe the nano as is - is for people who are not aware of or who don't want to go the custom route. When they do - they have to start removing and changing the stuff which came with the nano(which is a waste)

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Go with the two 10's. They are only like $8.00 a piece. However, if I had it to do over I would get a 16 bow, no wait, a 40 breeder, no wait . . .

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Thanks for the replies! I have decided to go with the two ten gallons. I realized that I would be settling for the nano cube. A friend of mine gave me the ten gallons I'll be useing. She also gave me the stand I will be using. Right now my plan is to drill one tank for an overflow and returns (one tank is acrylic) and put baffles in the other for a fuge. I'm going for all natural filtration. Thanks for the help.

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Hwarang, wow...that is a nice plan. I wil definately use some of you ideas.


I have a 5.5 Gal AGA keeping my reefing urges down for now. All I really have to do is wait for school to be over so I can move back home and set it up. Thanks for the plan! OH....how are you going to plum the sump?...Overflow?...Siphon??? Thanks!!!!

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