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Cultivated Reef

anybody going fishless?


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well it seems like i cant find nemo. Im down to just a fire shrimp and my clean up crew. just wondering if anybody is keeping a reef without a fish? I seem to not mind as of now but i might get bored a little later. being that I have no fish can i do water changes less of the time? I currently change 1 gallon a week on my 10g.

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There are many people who keep thier tanks with out fish. Many of them keep other things like shrimp and crabs, people really like those "sexy shrimp" but I dont know if they will live with a different type of shrimp.

With no fish it is easier to keep up very high water quality, this is one reason some people dont have any. On the water change question, if it was me i would probabbly reduce the quantity of water changed. This is not to say that keeping up your current water changes would not result in even higher water quality.


I do not do frequent water changes in my 2.5 gallon, with one fish, as it is not convient to do so at school. I would just play around with it a little and do what works best for you system, and try it a little while with out a fish and then down the road when you are at the LFS and see that really cool fish you can get that one.


C. Jerome

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I have a 5 gallon moni-bow on my desk. In it there are 2 nassarius snails, 1 "turbo" (sold as that but I dont think it is a turbo), and 1 blue leg, and that is it.


Thinking of maybe a bi-color blenny for it (would move it to my 10 when it gets bigger), or maybe royal gramma, or a clown goby.


Anyway thats part of the problem, I can't decide what to put in it.


For now though, I still really enjoy this tank. Weird cause there is NOTHING going on it in. Well my feather dusters are multiplying, and pods are as well, other then that though not too much going on.



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