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Power Heads


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I just bought a maxijet 400 for my 16g aga bow front tank. I replaced my rio 800 because I felt it was making my tank too turbulent. This for now is a FOWLR tank and I was wondering where I should direct the out flow from the power head. Should I point it at the surface or at my rock?


16g aga bow

penguin 170 w/biowheel

sea clone 100 skimmer

maxijet 400 PH

corallife 96w PCw 50/50

ebo 100w heater


10lbs LR

3.5 inch argonite sand bed

2 small false percs

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Why not buy two smaller sized powerheads and have one on the rock and the other on the surface? That way you can reduce the algae on the rocks and help with gas exchange. Have fun.

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