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Help design my next tank!

The Unit

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Its been a while since i last posted on the boads, but im getting ready to start designing my tank for next year[AUG} The reason i have been out of the hobby for a little was college and over the summer i plan to setup my tank and move it to the house where i am living during the fall/spring semesters of '04 '05.


Its not going to be very hard for me to set this tank uo as i have the tanks, rock, lights, sand, fish, corals, protien skimmer, filter, because while i have been away my 15H has been at home. It is not exactly thriving but it is surviving. Thats why i plan to take it with me next year.


Its going to be a softy tank (10g) with a 96w PQ over the main tank and atleat 2x13w PC's over the refuge[15H - the tank everything is currently in]


So my reall question is how should i plumb the tanks together. The pictur i have provided will show u the placement of the tanks as of now. I was thinking of just drilling the 10 gal to gravity feed back to the refuge and use a pump or power head to pump the water back up. I am concerned about the noice this system will cause. Although i am not going tfor the super quiet tank as i already have a seaclone running on it the can make some noice by itself. ANY imput would be great. Sorry for the long post and thanks for your info



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  • 5 months later...

I would probably drill the 10 G with an 1" bulkhead, and then drain the it down to the 15H with a flexible pvc pipe. Then get something like a mag 5 to pump the water back up into the 10 gallon. I'm guessing the head height on the computer stand would probably be about 3-3.5', that would give you roughly 300-350 gph flow, you could always put a ball valve on it to back the flow down. HTH.


*Oops, sorry didn't see the day on the post and forgot that I searched for 15H earlier. Probabyl doesn't do you any good now! Haha

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